What Is A SWIPE File (And How Does It Future-proof Your Design Inspiration)?

Have you ever started a new church media project but got stuck not knowing how you were going to do it? (If not, please tell me your superhuman secret…)

In today’s protip, I’m going to show you how you can start a SWIPE file to start collecting a library of design inspiration and make your future media projects a whole lot easier.


Introducing SWIPE Files

A SWIPE file is something marketers have been using for decades. In the old days, we used to “swipe” marketing materials and “file” them away to use for inspiration on our next project.

Today, we use SWIPE files to save digital media to draw inspiration from at a later time.

Maybe you see an email you really like or a church Facebook ad that catches your eye. But if you keep scrolling you may never see it again.

So our protip is to create a folder on your computer, browser, and inbox to save media that you like. Literally, anything that catches your eye, save it.

Then when you need help drafting a church email newsletter, designing a flyer, or setting up a Facebook ad, you’ll never have blank page syndrome again.


3 Ways To Create A SWIPE File

Computer/Cloud SWIPE File

Justin’s Google Drive SWIPE file


Use a folder on your computer or cloud drive with screenshots of all the beautiful media and marketing you’ve ever seen. Save Facebook ads or posts, signs, church website elements, or even video assets that catch your eye. Use one of our productivity tool recommendations like Awesome Screenshot or CamScanner.

Email SWIPE file

A peek at Justin’s email SWIPE file…see some familiar names?

Create a folder in your email inbox to save emails that you like. By default, you should save any email you click on or sign up through. If an email makes you sign up, chances are it will work for others too.

Browser SWIPE file

Justin’s browser SWIPE file

Create a bookmarks folder in your browser to save websites that you like. In my own browser folder, I save web designs that I frequent and social media profiles that I want to draw inspiration from.



There’s a project coming up in your future. And unless you are dead set on never growing or trying new things, you’re going to take on something new.

A SWIPE file helps you future-proof yourself by giving you a set of media that’s proven to work. Simply save the sites, marketing materials, or video screenshots that you love. Then when you get stuck and need a boost, you have a library of winners to deliver that needed inspiration.

Do you have a SWIPE file already? What’s in it? Let us know in the comments below!


I have my own SWIPE file of websites that actually work to bring in new church visitors. There are 7 commonalities with each of these website winners…and I’ve got the secrets for you in our free guide, 7 Church Website Essentials.

get the 7 church website essentials for effective church communication

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